Leading schools across educational boards have participated in IBT since 2007

Designed by the Australian Council for Educational Research, widely renowned for its work in large-scale learning assessment, including the development,and implementation of the 2025 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

  • English, Mathematics, Science, and Reasoning
  • Easy-to-administer online tests
  • Suitable for Grades 3-10
  • Competency-based as emphasised by NEP 2020
  • 40-45 multiple-choice questions per test
  • Learning gap analysis workshops

With IBT, you can measure the learning achievements of your students, and use the data to improve learning outcomes of individual students, grades, and the school.

The IBT solution

  • Identify and monitor your students' strengths and areas for improvement
  • Compare your students' performance to students in other countries
  • Assess deep conceptual understanding rather than rote learning
  • Measure and develop higher order thinking skills 
  • Map improvements and identify learning outcome gaps with gap analysis workshops

IBT has been improving learning in India since 2007

1.07 million
Students assessed
2.6 million
14 countries
List of IBT countries

Find the IBT programme that works for your school

IBT Mains

  • Two test windows per year; July to September and November to January
  • Diagnostic and international benchmarking of student learning
  • Comprehensive reports for schools, grades, and individuals
  • Certificates and awards for students


  • Annual license for schools to test students multiple times
  • Progressive achievement approach
  • Instant online student and group reports
  • Dashboard for teachers to allocate tests, generate reports, and analyse data

IBT Tests

In English the skills assessed are: locating information, inferring, predicting, drawing conclusions and reasoning. Students are not asked merely to retrieve information from a passage; they are asked to make inferences, form judgements and reflect on the texts. Questions addressing higher-order thinking skills are used to ascertain whether a student can 'read between the lines' and understand subtlety and nuance in the English language.

Assessed English strands

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary

In Mathematics the skills assessed include interpreting data, inferring, predicting, drawing conclusions, reasoning and problem solving. For Mathematics questions, students are asked to make sense of mathematical concepts in everyday situations. IBT Mathematics is not about simply remembering rules and procedures; it requires students to use higher-order thinking skills to apply their mathematical skills to solve problems.

Assessed Mathematics strands

  • Number
  • Measurement
  • Space
  • Chance and Data

In Science the skills assessed include: observing and measuring, interpreting data, inferring, predicting, drawing conclusions, reasoning and problem solving. Students are asked to apply scientific principles to particular problems. IBT Science not only assesses students' knowledge of science, it assesses whether students are capable of applying this knowledge to given contexts. Many of the questions are based on scientific enquiry.

Assessed Science strands

  • Earth Science
  • Physical Science
  • Life Science

In Reasoning, the skills assessed require students to think critically, make logical deductions, identify connections and spot patterns. The questions asked do not require any prior knowledge from any particular content area. Instead, students must demonstrate their abilities to think outside the box and use their higher-order thinks skills to solve non-routine problems. The content of these test papers is based on questions that have been successfully used to identify high-achieving students for scholarship placements. However, students who do not perform so well on ‘traditional’ academic tests may excel on IBT Reasoning as it is their general capabilities that are being assessed here.

Assessed Reasoning strands

  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Kinetic Reasoning

Detailed, insightful reporting for schools

Benchmark Report

Shows scores of each grade in comparison to students in schools in India and other countries

Group Report

Provides results for each student in a grade and helps observe learning outcomes trend

Described achievement report

An overview of each grade’s performance showing the competencies students demonstrate

Interactive report

A series of dynamic charts and graphs that can be customised by choosing subject, skill areas, grade, and section to get an understanding of the whole school’s performance

Individual report

A report for each student providing details of their performance

Support for schools

High quality online workshops for schools on reading reports and interpreting data that enable teachers to support students to progress in their learning.