
Measure your child’s learning

IBT@Home is a suite of assessments in English, Mathematics and Science that students can participate in at home. IBT@Home uses content administered as part of ACER’s International Benchmark Test (IBT) program and has test forms available from Grade 3 through to Grade 10.

Online, on demand testing for students in Grades 3–10

School closures during the pandemic forced millions of students to learn from home. Use IBT@Home to determine how well your child progressed during remote learning.

The IBT@Home solution

  • Compare your child's performance to an international cohort
  • Diagnostic testing designed to challenge students across a broad range of ability levels
  • Assess deep conceptual understanding rather than simple recall of facts
  • Recognise learning achievement, and monitor progress over time

Register for IBT@Home

IBT@Home tests

In English the skills assessed are: locating information, inferring, predicting, drawing conclusions and reasoning. Students are not asked merely to retrieve information from a passage; they are asked to make inferences, form judgements and reflect on the texts. Questions addressing higher-order thinking skills are used to ascertain whether a student can 'read between the lines' and understand subtlety and nuance in the English language.

Assessed English strands

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary

In Mathematics the skills assessed include interpreting data, inferring, predicting, drawing conclusions, reasoning and problem solving. For Mathematics questions, students are asked to make sense of mathematical concepts in everyday situations. IBT Mathematics is not about simply remembering rules and procedures; it requires students to use higher-order thinking skills to apply their mathematical skills to solve problems.

Assessed Mathematics strands

  • Number
  • Measurement
  • Space
  • Chance and Data

In Science the skills assessed include: observing and measuring, interpreting data, inferring, predicting, drawing conclusions, reasoning and problem solving. Students are asked to apply scientific principles to particular problems. IBT Science not only assesses students' knowledge of science, it assesses whether students are capable of applying this knowledge to given contexts. Many of the questions are based on scientific enquiry.

Assessed Science strands

  • Earth Science
  • Physical Science
  • Life Science

Easy-to-understand reports

Individual Student Report

Provides information on how your child performed in comparison to students internationally. It includes subject-specific feedback on every question and a summary of strengths and areas for improvement.

Parents and child looking at laptop
Insights and actions from your IBT@Home report
We’ve unpacked the key parts for you here, so you can get the most out of your child’s report.
Read the article 

IBT: improving learning since 2007

1.21 million
students assessed
3.1 million
global assessments
schools worldwide

IBT countries

  • Australia
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt
  • India
  • Japan
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Kuwait
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Oman
  • Philippines
  • Qatar
  • South Africa
  • Swaziland
  • Tanzania
  • Turkey
  • UAE
  • Yemen

Register for IBT@Home

Schools around the world use IBT to improve learning for every student. Register now to try IBT@Home.

A message from our global assessment expert

ACER chief executive Professor Geoff Masters – a renowned expert in educational measurement – talks about Progressive Achievement, a revolutionary new way of thinking about assessment that powers the IBT.

ACER logo - 90 years of improving learning

ACER: bringing international expertise to schools worldwide

ACER is a not-for-profit educational research organisation with a mission to improve learning. ACER is trusted by schools around the globe to provide reliable, valid and evidence-based assessments, delivering more than 7 million assessments every year through our cutting edge online platform.


Individual tests R148 (ZAR) per test