International comparisons
Compare student results against international benchmarks, and against a described proficiency scale of student ability worldwide.
Comprehensive reporting
See a complete picture of student learning with a rich variety of reports and data provided to schools, as well as detailed individual reports for parents showing student progress.
World-class test content
New and stimulating content is developed for the IBT by ACER each year, a world leader in educational research, assessment and reporting.
A message from our CEO
ACER chief executive Professor Geoff Masters – a renowned expert in educational measurement – talks about Progressive Achievement, a revolutionary new way of thinking about assessment that powers the IBT.
ACER: bringing international expertise to schools worldwide
ACER is a not-for-profit educational research organisation with a mission to improve learning. ACER is trusted by schools around the globe to provide reliable, valid and evidence-based assessments, delivering more than 7 million assessments every year through our cutting edge online platform.